Child Dedication

Interested In Dedicating your Child?

Here’s what you need to know:


1. What does it mean to dedicate your child?

We believe dedication is a covenant between God, the parents, and the church. We all commit to raising the child(ren) according to God's Word.

2. Who can be dedicated? (And/or, who can dedicate a child at First Free?)

Any child, regardless of age, can be dedicated by their parent or guardian.

3. When can I dedicate my child?

We offer Child Dedication dates 1-2 times throughout the year. Typically, dedications happen during a worship service and multiple families participate. Our next opportunity is January 26th, 2025, during the 10:45 am service.

4. What Happens on the Day?

Currently, our Child Dedication is a part of our main worship service. The parent(s)/guardian(s) and child(ren) come on stage for a special time of recognition, dedication, and prayer. Our service coordinators and/or a pastor will connect with you in advance to review details specific to your day. Friends and family are welcome to attend the service.

5. How Do I Sign Up?

You can sign up to dedicate your child on January 26th by clicking the button below! The deadline to register is January 19th.
Sign Up for Child Dedication!

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