Our Team

Filter by Department:

Adam Bowers

Senior Pastor

John Richardson

Executive Pastor of Discipleship

Andrew Miller

Executive Pastor of Service Planning

Kyle Howard

Family Ministries Pastor

Nick Parker

Groups Pastor

Tex Rule

Senior High Pastor

Sejdo Alimanovic


Jennifer Baker

Discipleship Executive Assistant

Melissa Barnes

Regional Outreach Coordinator / Childcare Coordinator

Martin Becktol

Director of Technical Ministry

Victoria Becktol

Nursery and Preschool Coordinator

Alec Biggs

Associate Director of Worship Ministries

Joe Chambers

Facilities Director

Sarah Duggan

KC Friends Coordinator

Rasema Dzafic


Jason Fahey

Worship Leadership Team

Alice Farmer

Front Desk Administrative Assistant

Byron Hildenbrand

Senior Dir. of Operations

Stephen Kruse

Worship Leadership Team

Michele Lehmann

Database and Contributions Manager

Eric Manske

Global Outreach Coordinator

Scott Nelson

A/V Technician

Silas Rivera

Student Worship Coordinator

Zoya Saine

Executive Assistant

Erik Shirreffs

Safety Coordinator

Shanna Shirreffs

Connections Director

Teri Stiles

Front Desk Administrative Assistant

Kari Terwelp

Director of Communication

Kelly Thomas

Fusion Coordinator

Dale Vineyard

Lead Custodian

Austen Wageman

Technical Ministries Associate

Kate Wageman

KC Welcome Team Coordinator

Jordan Whitmore

Maintenance Engineer

Tina Wolfe


Heather Wright

Administrative Support Director


The Elders are elected leaders who serve and shepherd the church. Contact them at elders@efree.org.

Adam Bowers

Senior Pastor

Rich Keffer

Vice Chairman

Bill Peskorse

Michael Proctor


David Ren

Ben Thomas

Martin Truong

Todd Yeager

Joseph Zhang


The biblical precedent for deacons comes from Acts 6, where the disciples sought godly men to assist in the daily operation of ministry.

At First Free, deacons are men and women who serve and provide oversight in various ministries as directed by the Elder Board and Senior Pastor. Some of their duties include administrative oversight over the church finances, benevolence, and other congregational and community ministries.

Deacons can be contacted at deacons@efree.org.


Steve Quick (Chair) – Finance

Alan Heisel (Vice-Chair) – Benevolence

Gayle Darby (Secretary) – Finance, Benevolence

Don Carpenter – Benevolence

Steve Eck – Facilities

Brad Langeneckert – Facilities

J.D. Long – Facilities, Finance

Sharon Luo – Benevolence

Steve Thompson – Facilities

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