Worship Playlist
Enjoy this playlist created by our worship team full of the songs we’re currently singing Sunday mornings!
First Free Church
1375 Carman Road,
Manchester, MO 63021
Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy.
- Psalm 100:1-2
Join us in-person or online Sundays at 9 or 10:45 am!
Enjoy this playlist created by our worship team full of the songs we’re currently singing Sunday mornings!
Andrew grew up at First Free and joined the staff team as the Student Ministries Worship Pastor in 2014, was confirmed as the Pastor of Worship Ministries in 2022, and moved into his current role of Executive Pastor of Service Planning in 2024. Andrew graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary with a Masters in Divinity in 2013. Andrew loves working with our middle and high school students to help them grow as musicians, worship leaders, and ultimately, disciples of Jesus. Andrew is married to Amber and they have two children.
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