Life Transformation Groups

growth = change

Life Transformation Groups are weekly meetings of 2-3 people of the same gender for the purpose of helping one another grow as followers of Jesus. Sixty minutes each week in an LTG can change the way you engage in and live out your faith.

Life Transformation Groups are self-initiated. It’s easy to get started! Invite 1 or 2 friends to join you, and use the components below to direct your time. We suggest an initial three-month commitment. This commitment gives the group time to connect and grow while providing an opportunity for assessment and reflection that can guide the group going forward.

Life transformation groups have 3 components:

Bible Reading

  • Read a section, chapter, or story from the Bible each week. A New Testament letter, such as Ephesians or Philippians, can be a great place to start.
  • Discuss what this section of the Bible reveals about God and about how to live the Christian life.
  • How should you respond in actions, words, and thoughts? (Be specific.)

Life Application Questions

  • What is getting in the way of being the man/woman God has called you to be this week?
  • How are you wrestling with anger, shame, pride, or other heart issues that can affect your relationship with God and other people?
  • Are you resisting the Spirit in any area of your life?
  • Are you harboring unforgiveness/bitterness toward anyone?
  • Did you take advantage of opportunities to share the love of Jesus and witness to anyone this week?
  • What sexual temptations have you encountered this week? How have you responded?
  • How can your group help you grow in your walk with Jesus? 



  • Pray for each other as you follow Jesus together.
  • Pray specifically for people in your lives who need Jesus. Ask God to use you or another believer to communicate the gospel to this person.

Are you interested in starting a LTG?

We desire to provide support and prayer for these groups, so please let us know when you form an LTG by emailing Nick Parker ( Please include the names of the individuals participating in the group.

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