
We’ve got online videos for Sunday mornings and throughout the week on our YouTube channel!

Check out the additional resources below for family devotionals and other fun activities.

Kid Connection is OPEN during the 11 am service!

You will need to reserve a spot for each child that will be in attendance. Masks are required for kids 5 and older, and strongly encouraged for ages 3-5.


Welcome to
Kid Connection!

Kid Connection (6 weeks-5th grade) provides unique experiences for your child during both worship services. So parents, feel free to attend the worship service AND that group you want to check out! Your kids are going to have an amazing time.

Fusion (4th-5th grade) meets at 9 am only so they can worship with family at 10:45 am.


Vision & Mission


Children love to attend Kid Connection, and they develop an authentic walk with God over their years here. They invite their friends naturally, and visiting kids beg their parents to come back because they love going to our church. This brings in many families who might not attend church if their kids weren’t so excited about it. We partner with parents to help them raise kids who know and follow God.


We’re a safe and inviting place where kids experience an authentic walk with God through a fun atmosphere, powerful worship, relevant teaching, and meaningful relationships.


We exist to point kids to Christ. Prayer, Biblical teaching, and compelling worship help kids grow in their relationship with God.

The church was never meant to be exclusive. We design intentional events and opportunities for our friends and neighbors to meet and learn about Jesus. We strive for an invitational culture that welcomes people into our space and also goes into surrounding neighborhoods and communities to meet people where they are.

Come as you are! Just like Jesus, we love kids and adults as they are, and trust God to produce authentic change in our hearts and stories. Belonging as you are is the beginning to genuine change.

Parents are on the front lines! We partner with parents to help them raise kids who know and follow God. We support parents with resources to connect, engage, and equip them to continue the lessons and learning at home. Keeping parents well informed about our ministry and events is a top priority.

Fun, excitement, and silliness encourage kids to connect and return. We aren’t afraid of messes if it helps with our mission! Creativity, playfulness, and laughter are essential to God’s Kingdom.

We are not just childcare. We strive for one scope, one curriculum, and one sequence. Every minute is intentionally structured, and we strive for excellence in everything we do. We use kid focus groups to grow and stay relevant. First impressions matter. We are constantly improving our website, curriculum, videos, classrooms, and connections team to ensure every family’s experience is remarkable.

We truly value and genuinely care for our team members. We help people of all ages find where they are gifted because we come alive when we serve in our areas of giftedness. Kid Connection has service opportunities that fit with any gifting. No one is too young to serve! We create opportunities for kids to serve their peers, too. Serving is significant and activates faith in our lives.

Age Groups // Classes


6 weeks - 2 years

Babies are never too young to start hearing about Jesus! We provide a safe, clean, and loving environment with lots of people who love (almost) nothing more than rocking babies on Sunday mornings.


2-5 years

Name someone with a better imagination than a 2-5 year-old. We’ll wait.

Children in our preschool rooms learn basic Biblical truths and also have plenty of time for play and other activities to expend energy in healthy ways.


K - 3rd grade

Kids get time in both small groups and large groups. In small groups, kids learn to apply God’s word to their lives – the Bible is even relevant to 7 year-olds! In the large groups, kids worship together and learn about the Bible in fun and creative ways.


4th & 5th Grade

Kids get time in both small groups and large groups, learning to apply God’s word to their lives. Fusion is open during the 9 am service only – our Fusion students are encouraged to worship with their parents at 10:45 am.

KC Friends

Kindergarten - 5th grade

KC Friends help children age 3 through 5th grade with special needs participate fully on Sunday morning.

Advance registration is required. Please contact prior to bringing your child.


3 Years - 6th Grade

AWANA happens on Wednesday nights for kids aged 3-6th grade. Ever run into a 10 year-old who knows more Bible verses than you? That’s an AWANA kid!



We want to partner with you in being intentional about helping your children grow in faith! One way we would like to do this is through the Parent Cue App from Orange.

This App provides simple cues throughout the week to remind us to pause and make the most of everyday moments with our children. This App is also a good tool to share what we are teaching your children during their worship times with us.

RightNow Media is amazing! There are thousands of videos for your kids to watch, family devotionals, and studies for you. There’s a whole section dedicated to responding to crisis! Click here to browse the library of studies. Don’t have an account? Sign up for FREE here!

It’s hard for kids to focus on sermons sometimes (it’s hard for adults to focus on sermons sometimes!) so here’s a printable sermon notes template that can help to focus your kid’s attention and, more importantly, help them learn something new about God!


Kid Connection Events:

By The Brook

June 20 // 6:00 pm
1375 Carman Road
Ballwin, MO 63021 United States
More Info

First Free Kids Staff

Kyle Howard

Family Ministries Pastor

Victoria Becktol

Nursery and Preschool Coordinator

Sarah Duggan

KC Friends Coordinator

Kelly Thomas

Fusion Coordinator

Kate Wageman

KC Welcome Team Coordinator

Want to get involved?


6 weeks – 2 years

  • Special story and song time with our Story Ladies
  • Engaging age-appropriate toys, activities, and baby gear in each classroom
  • Safe sleep spaces for infants where they are video monitored
  • Introduction to God’s love through song, pictures, and care from our volunteers
  • Private nursing mothers’ rooms (one near the nursery, one on the 2nd floor by the sanctuary)

Our Nursery is made up of three age groups:

  • 0-11 months with an adult to child ratio of 1:2
  • 12-23 months with an adult to child ratio of 1:4
  • 24-35 months with an adult to child ratio of 1:6
  • Children are ready to promote to Preschool when they turn 3 and are toilet trained.

Your Child's Well being and safety:

  • Safety and well being are our highest priority – your child(ren) will be in good, caring hands.
  • All First Free Kid’s ministry team members have been screened (look for the photo ID lanyard).
  • Adult to child ratios are enforced in each area.
  • We cannot accept any children who have been ill within the past 24 hours. Signs of illness: fever, vomiting, recurrent cough, discolored mucous discharge, or less than 24 hours on an antibiotic.

Nursery Staff:

Katlyn Wilhoit

Nursery & Pre-K Coordinator


2 – 5 years

Our Curriculum

  • Structured mornings of play, fellowship, Bible teaching, and activities
  • Bible story time
  • Age-appropriate activities and crafts to reinforce the Bible teaching
  • Live or video worship
  • Monthly Bible verse to teach our preschoolers about God’s word
  • Take-home sheets to help parents understand and reinforce what their kids have learned

Your Child's Well being and safety:

  • Safety and well being are our highest priority – your child(ren) will be in good, caring hands.
  • All First Free Kid’s ministry team members have been screened (look for the photo ID lanyard).
  • Adult to child ratio of 1:8 is enforced.
  • We cannot accept any children who have been ill within the past 24 hours. Signs of illness: fever, vomiting, recurrent cough, discolored mucous discharge, or less than 24 hours on an antibiotic.

Preschool Staff:

Katlyn Wilhoit

Nursery & Pre-K Coordinator


Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Our Curriculum

  • Dedicated time for fellowship and as well as time for learning Biblical truths in fun large group and small group settings.
    • Small groups are lead caring and devoted leaders that truly connect with the kids.
  • Excellent and user-friendly resources provided weekly for you and your kid to apply Biblical truths together on a daily basis.
  • Lessons are taught with interactive activities so that kids are equipped with the skills and resources to apply Biblical truths to real life.
  • Service is encouraged, even for Early Elementary students! Age-appropriate service opportunities are offered to kids. 

Your Child's Well being and safety:

  • Safety and well-being are our highest priority – your child(ren) will be in good, caring hands.
  • All First Free Kid’s ministry team members have been screened (look for the photo ID lanyard).
  • Adult-to-child ratios are enforced.
  • We cannot accept any children who have been ill within the past 24 hours. Signs of illness: fever, vomiting, recurrent cough, discolored mucous discharge, or less than 24 hours on an antibiotic.

Elementary Staff:

KElsey Deters

Early Elementary & Children’s Ministry Connections Coordinator


4th - 5th grade

Our Curriculum:

  • Dedicated rooms to help welcome and engage all of our preteen kids.
  • Biblical messages and time to discuss what they are learning in small groups.
  • Time for fellowship and fun with their peers and leaders.
  • Time is allowed for hard questions to be asked and good answers to be given in order to help kids make their faith their own.
  • Leaders give guidance in making sense and applying Biblical truths.
  • Kids are invited to be who they are, be comfortable, and gain friendships in a warm and inviting environment.
  • Every week we end with prayer to deepen relationships with one another and God.
  • Please note that Fusion is open during the 9 am service only – our Fusion students are encouraged to worship with their parents at 10:45 am.

Your Child's Well being and safety:

  • Safety and well being are our highest priority – your child(ren) will be in good, caring hands.
  • All First Free Kid’s ministry team members have been screened (look for the photo ID lanyard).
  • Adult-to-child ratios are enforced.
  • We cannot accept any children who have been ill within the past 24 hours. Signs of illness: fever, vomiting, recurrent cough, discolored mucous discharge, or less than 24 hours on an antibiotic.

Fusion Staff:

Kelly Thomas

Fusion Coordinator

KC Friends

Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Our Curriculum

  • This ministry focuses on a one-on-one buddy program that meets the needs of each specific child. Advance registration is required.
  • There is a great partnership and regular communication between the coordinator, parents, and volunteers working with each child to develop the routine and activities that work best for the child.
  • We strive to provide Biblical teaching in a way that best fits the learning style and abilities of the child.
  • We use an inclusion model so that every child is still able to engage in fellowship and friendships with their peers.
  • We have a designated sensory room with appropriate activities to use when needed.

Your Child's Well being and safety:

  • Safety and well being are our highest priority – your child(ren) will be in good, caring hands.
  • All First Free Kid’s ministry team members have been screened (look for the photo ID lanyard).
  • Adult-to-child ratio is 1:1 for KC Friends
  • We cannot accept any children who have been ill within the past 24 hours. Signs of illness: fever, vomiting, recurrent cough, discolored mucous discharge, or less than 24 hours on an antibiotic.

KC Friends Staff:

Katlyn Wilhoit

Nursery, Preschool, and Special Needs Coordinator


3 years – 6th Grade

Our Curriculum

  • Awana’s primary goal is to strengthen a child’s faith through discipleship (Prov 22:6) and fellowship (Heb 10:24-25; Acts 2:42).
  • Awana provides solid Biblical teaching and encourages Scripture memorization in age-appropriate ways. Children who participate in Awana embed Scripture in their hearts and minds in a way that will serve them throughout their lives.
  • In Awana we know how to have fun! Whether it is a puppet show for the Puggles, a pizza party for the Sparks, or a 4 way tug of war for the T&T Boys, your kids will enjoy participating in our program! 
  • In Awana, children learn the importance of sharing the good news about Jesus with others. We focus heavily on sharing Jesus both here and abroad!
  • Learn more at!

Your Child's Well being and safety:

  • Safety and well being are our highest priority – your child(ren) will be in good, caring hands.
  • All First Free Kid’s ministry team members have been screened (look for the photo ID lanyard).
  • Adult-to-child ratios are enforced.
  • We cannot accept any children who have been ill within the past 24 hours. Signs of illness: fever, vomiting, recurrent cough, discolored mucous discharge, or less than 24 hours on an antibiotics

Awana Staff:

Brad Heuiser

Children’s Ministry Associate & Awana Coordinator

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