God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts.
Use them well to serve one another.
1 Peter 4:10

In 2023, we introduced a focus for the year called “Back Together.” This year, we build on that focus with a new one: “All In.” We see four key ways we can be “All In” with God’s family together.

1) Worship Faithfully (Hebrews 10:25). Make gathering with believers for worship a priority.

2) Embrace Community (John 13:35). Fulfill the “one anothers” God has given us.

3) Serve Joyfully (1 Peter 4:10). Find your place to serve in the family of faith.

4) Give Generously (2 Corinthians 9:7). Honor God with your offerings to His church.

We encourage everyone to make these four aspects of being “all in” a priority for you this year! Below are several ways First Free Church will help:


Study GoD's Word Regularly

Bible Reading Plan

We encourage everyone in our church to follow this Bible reading plan and see some of the many ways the Old Testament points to the New Testament.  

Engage in discipleship


If you haven’t yet gone through the Rooted experience, we hope that 2024 is your year.

Your Rooted group will explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. It can be a life-changing experience!

Find a God-Centered Group

Groups Fair

Churches spend a lot of time talking about the importance of biblical community, but it can sometimes be hard to find your fit. We’re hosting a Groups Fair to lower the barrier to finding a group – join us in the lobby on February 11th!

Use Your Gifts to serve

Service Fair

There are lots of different opportunities to serve at First Free. Stay tuned for information on our upcoming Service Fair!

understand how god made you

All In Preaching Series

We’re planning a special sermon series that will help you understand how God made you and designed you to be involved in the body of Christ. We’re also offering a free SHAPE assessment to give you insights into your spiritual gifts and personality and questions to help you think about your heart, abilities, and experiences.

Learn to lead

Leadership Pathway Mentoring Program

We’re relaunching the Leadership Pathway Mentoring Program to connect people who want to be All In as leaders for Christ in their families, church, community, and workplace as they serve.


All In Testimonies

We’ll be sharing testimonies in our worship services of people who are seeing God work through worship, service, community, and giving. Watch the videos below!

All In Testimonies

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