“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.”
Matthew 5:14-15

In 2023, we introduced a focus for the year called Back Together. In 2024, we built on that focus as we encouraged our congregation to be All In for Jesus and His church. This year we’re excited to embrace being On Mission as we seek to focus more on reaching out to the world around us to share God’s love. 

  • Prayer. We’re encouraging our congregation to set an alarm to pray at 9:38 am each day for God to send more workers into His fields (Matthew 9:38).
  • Training. We don’t expect everyone in our church family to be experts at evangelism, so that’s why we’re creating opportunities for you to be trained and equipped to share God’s love.
  • Outreach. One of our distinctive values is that Outreach is for Everyone! Throughout the year we’ll bring you opportunities to serve in ways that impact our community and world.
  • Misison Base. Any good mission has a base! We’re looking into ways to make First Free the best place it can be to host our neighbors and launch out into the world.


Daily Prayer Reminder

We encourage everyone in our church to set an alarm to pray Matthew 9:38 every day at 9:38 am. 

“Pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”


On Mission Sermon Series

We’re taking 9 Sundays to explore what it looks like to live On Mission – at work, at home, and everywhere else!


On Mission Outreach Conference

We know that not everyone is a born evangelist, but we can all get better at sharing our faith and God’s love with people around us. 

Join us for the On Mission Outreach Conference featuring Dr. Michael Goheen from March 7-8! You’ll be equipped and challenged to find your place in God’s redemptive mission.


Gateway Faith and Work Conference

Wondering how to be On Mission for Jesus at your job? Join us for this one-day event that provides marketplace Christians with professional development, spiritual edification, and fellowship. The goal? To equip God’s people to show up well and glorify God at work, remaining Gospel-rooted in all settings.

Registration opens soon!


Service Opportunities

We’re planning lots of opportunities for you to serve our neighbors and our world this year. Keep an eye out for details!

MIssion base

Facility Upgrades

We’re dreaming big about how to make First Free both a neighborhood hub, where people feel comfortable regardless of their faith background and the best possible launchpad for our congregation to head into their mission fields – whether that be their homes or across an ocean.


All In Testimonies

We’ll be sharing testimonies in our worship services of people who are seeing God work through worship, service, community, and giving. Watch the videos below!

All In Testimonies

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